Archives September 2022

Dengan putus asa mencari Polandia persisten: 7 hari dengan Smith & Cult Analog Fog

Dengan putus asa mencari Polandia persisten adalah seri di mana saya memakai cat kuku selama tujuh hari dan mengambil sebelum dan sesudah foto untuk mengajukan kondisi cakar saya melalui kursus dalam seminggu!

Pada satu titik selama tujuh hari saya mengenakan kabut analog Smith & Cult pada cakar saya, cuacanya mengambil giliran dingin yang jelas …

Itu mulai terlihat seperti jatuh.


Kami menutup jendela dan merenungkan menyalakan pemanas.

Juga, saya mulai memanggang barang-barang di oven saya lagi. Saya menghidupkan tiga lasagnas (satu bahkan bebas gluten, apa-apa!), Dua Banana Blueberry Oatmeal Bakes, pizza bebas gluten dari Costco, dan dua batch cookie chocolate-choke oatmeal. Sungguh, Smith & Cult seharusnya menamai Polandia ini “ketika dingin, panggang @sss Anda” sebagai gantinya.

Mengambil semua yang saya lakukan memperhitungkan, dan mempertimbangkan berapa banyak waktu yang saya habiskan untuk memadukan, memotong dan mengocok sambil mengenakan cat ini, manikur saya bertahan dengan baik. Itu masih berkilau dan relatif bebas chip setelah lima hari, dengan hanya beberapa bantingan di sekitar saran jari-jari saya.


Kaus Kucing & Makeup ??

$ 42.

Berbelanja sekarang

Itu melompati hiu setelah saya membuat lasagna ketiga dan mencuci piring tanpa sarung tangan, yang mungkin, um … bukan ide terbesar. Saat itulah saya benar-benar mulai melihat potongan-potongan memoles chipping di pangkalan beberapa kuku saya (diberikan, mereka bukan chip besar).

Seperti yang saya lakukan untuk eksperimen kuku tujuh hari terakhir saya, saya mengenakan dua mantel dari Polandia di atas dasar Smith & Cult basis dari segalanya, dan dengan di atas semuanya sebagai mantel atas di atasnya. Titik untuk mengisolasi Polandia untuk mencoba mencari tahu bagaimana hal itu berlaku untuk kehidupan nyata.

Juga seperti terakhir kali, saya tidak merevitalisasi mantel atas apa pun selama tujuh hari, tapi saya pikir jika saya punya, seperti jika saya akan menyegarkannya pada hari ketiga atau empat, saya bisa membuat mani ini terakhir setidaknya satu atau dua hari lagi.

Saya pikir kabut analog bagus, semua lasagnas dipertimbangkan! Plus, warnanya ngarai! Itu salah satu dari ungu misterius dan sulit dipahami … ooh-la-la! Ini krim, jadi tidak ada shift atau mutiara atau semacamnya, tetapi dalam beberapa kasus terlihat seperti ungu merah muda. Di lain waktu, sepertinya prem lurus.

Saya pasti akan memakainya lagi. ?

4 dari 5 hati.

Kabut Analog Smith & Cult: Hari 1

Kabut Analog Smith & Cult: Hari 7


Pecandu pesona lingkungan Anda yang ramah,



Saturday Surfing, November 17th, 2018

check THIS OUT. (Oh, and pleased Caturday, friend.) You know that I’m solidly #teamtraderjoes, but I was absolutely shocked — SHOCKED! — to discover a glaring absence in/around the subject of this introduction calendar I saw for sale.

They only have one for dogs.


Naturally, I expected to find one for the kitties as well, but I couldn’t, and believe me, Connor and I analyzed every shelf with a fine-toothed comb.

I can’t believe TJs would do us cat ladies like that! I really do hope they come to their senses and release a cat one soon…



Kaus Kucing & Makeup ??

$ 42.

Berbelanja sekarang

Ironically, even if TJ’s did sell one for cats and I brought it home, how much you wanna bet Tabs would be much more interested in the packaging or the paper bag I brought it home in?

I still want to get him one though. #catladymoments

Now, on to this week’s reading…

Possible TMI moment: I get new pajamas for Connor Claire about every three months because that’s how long it takes her to grow out of them, but I haven’t gotten myself new pajamas because at least 2015.

On that note, according to hyper-enthusiastic reviewers on Amazon, these PJs are the cats meow.

Ballet shoes are finally available in tones for women of color, and all I have to say is HOORAY!

Could this be the workout-wear of the future? Nike has filed patents for self-cleaning shoes and a “smart” bodysuit capable of teaching you yoga.

If it isn’t too late to make a suggestion, I would choose a bodysuit that could actually do the yoga for me. Let’s see you make THAT happen, Nike.

And this is why Ryan Gosling is perfection: Homeboy needs makeup to make himself look BAD. TERTAWA TERBAHAK-BAHAK! I mean, I just roll out of bed and look terrible, but for RyGos, it takes a village.

This naturally occurring compound used in some perfumes can smell both floral and fecal. Freakier still? The poo scent is expected to make your fragrance smell better.

Um…wow and gross?

Here’s an short article on how to win over someone else’s cat, and all I have to say is good luck WITH THAT, because cats are well-documented @ssholes.

These two cats have been attempting to get into the same Japanese museum for two years, and the Internet is rooting for them. Jelas sekali.

The ancient Egyptians were the most extra of cat people. case in point: this recently opened tomb, which revealed 100 gilded feline statues, along with dozens of mummified cats.

The newest on Japanese charm street style

Menarik! —> The charm of Human Imperfection: Our defects show how our past shaped our present.

I don’t even know where to start with this trend of “DIY nose jobs.” people on Instagram (where else?) are now reshaping their noses using something called scar wax.

One hand, I think it promotes a negative view of certain nose shapes (Girl, if I had a dime for each time some stranger on the Internet said my nose was “too flat” or “too wide”). On the other hand, it’s pretty darned creative.

Something I’ve always wondered: ought to the bride pay for her bridesmaids’ hair and makeup?

In case you have $25K sitting around and you want a diamond-encrusted makeup brush.

I was touched by this story on the kindness of strangers, but I was also completely shocked. Do people actually get into automobiles with people they don’t know? (I imply other than taxis, buses, Lyft, Uber…)

This cat is my hero.

Booty-shaking goals

One of my favorite songs, and this rendition is all sorts of beautiful.


I hope you have a fantastic weekend, whatever you’re up to.

Pecandu pesona lingkungan Anda yang ramah,
